


Hey everyone, it's now...winter, i think?

It's not biting cold though, which is alright. not that wintery but at least we don't have to suffer in the weather.

I get a bit embarrassed to look at my website, since i might cringe at what i said in the past. but i don't wanna let that stop me. this website is forever gonna evolve. i want it to last for at least 10 years. i'll be an old ass boomer by then. i'll probably still like the same shit that i do now.

I brought back the md convertor page since i needed to convert what i'd written to html, and having it on my own website is awfully convenient ;D. i've thought before that it would be nice to have several useful utility pages. It sucks that you have to go to bloated websites just to do simple things.

And in terms of websites, I've been looking at small websites recently. It's made me see how different websites can be outside the neocities bubble. I guess I already knew, but it's surprising how many old school websites were actually quite minimalist in design. I'll work on my website bit by bit, and hopefully one day it shall become something unique, owing to my unique experience in life. (Not being factious, the way I live is not what most would consider "normal", I haven't experienced normality myself however. Which is why I'm an outcast in society. That's a whole topic in itself though...)

Anyway, I wish everyone the best in their own webmastering. And if this ends up being the last update post this year, merry christmas, or happy whatever you celebrate.